Yorkshire Stoves

Opening Hours

Mon - Thurs: 9am - 16:30pm Friday: Closed
Saturday: 10am - 16:00pm Sunday: Closed

Free Home Survey

No obligations, just advice & suggestions

0800 756 6625

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Gas Stoves

  • Gazco Vogue Midi T Highline stove

The Largest Collection of Gas Stoves in Yorkshire

Yorkshire Stoves have a wide range of gas stoves available, a collection that is so big that we can take pride in the fact that we have the largest collection of gas stoves anywhere in Yorkshire, making us the number one choice for anyone that is looking for a new fireplace installation.

While we can all appreciate the stunning beauty of wood burning stoves, sometimes we know that it isn’t always a perfect solution to heat your home while burning logs and that is why many of our customers turn to our gas burner stoves.

Keep that modern and sleek design but save on the need to buy kiln dried firewood, simply kick off your shoes, switch on the gas and hit the ignition to instantly have the perfect fire creating the warmth and comfort that every home deserves.

Forget the old gas fire look that you can remember and welcome the new, modern appearance of these stunning stoves that have elegance and stunning design as standard.

Finding the right gas stove for you and your home

At Yorkshire Stoves we recognise that not everyone is as knowledgeable and excited about gas stoves but that is something that we have developed over our 30 years of experience within the industry and that means that we can help you to find the perfect gas stove solution for your home.

Regardless of the room size, whether you have a chimney, need a conventional flue or balanced flue style or simply want a complete gas stove design and installation service that takes care of everything for you, we can help.

Our HETAS and Gas Safe registered team are on hand and ready to visit your home to give you a free, no obligation survey and quote, ready with their tools to help you get your new stove installed into your home at the earliest opportunity and filled with expert knowledge for those that are simply looking to ask a few questions.